Our public relations campaign for Kofola used an unusual survey focused on romantic nicknames between partners. It earned us 19 mentions in lifestyle and business media over a two-month period.
Love as an element of the brand
Kofola cheers on love, and love is an important element of its brand communication. In March 2021, the brand launched a campaign called Láska má 1000 jmen (Love has 1,000 names). It utilised the topic of nicknames used by romantic partners for each other. The main message of this promotion was based on the notion that affectionate names can be sweet, funny and sometimes a bit racy. That being said, they always represent a bond between two people and help shape the story of their love.
The campaign started at the end of March 2021 as a series of video clips in which romantic nicknames were the key element. It ran throughout the spring and summer season. In addition to spots, it was used on outdoor advertising and in conventional offline channels.
Unusual research as a gateway to media
We proposed a survey as a cornerstone of PR communication. We came up with a series of questions focused on the use of affectionate nicknames between partners; and the actual survey was carried out by STEM/MARK. In it, we tried to find out what romantic nicknames are most common among Czechs and in what situations they are used. We also asked people whether these nicknames sometimes cause awkward situations.
the survey showed that 75% OF czechs enjoy their nicknames. one-third of people use nicknames they used in previous relationships. According to the research the most common nickname is ZLATO (20 %), followed by MILÁČeK (17 %), LÁSKa (14 %) And BROUČEk (7 %).
Included in the material for media was a statement from psychologist Pavel Rataj, who specialises in couples therapy; we used him as the exclusive expert voice on the topic of nicknames for partners. The press kit then included several charts summarising the outcomes from the survey.
Perfect timing for May 1st
A press release summarising the most important data from the survey and its analysis was first presented in mid-April, allowing lifestyle magazines to have a love-related topic shortly before the first of May. The timing was perfect as many media outlets used the material with the survey outcomes.
- Print media outlets used the material from the research in sections on relationships or interesting facts.
- Online media outlets used some of the charts provided in the press kit (aside from the text itself).
- Radio stations used our material as a source in live broadcasts, e.g. by asking listeners to call in and reveal the romantic name they use for their partner.

Second wave covered B2B segment
We had separate materials prepared for professional media outlets. These materials referred to the survey as an interesting PR activity of a traditional Czech brand. In this context, Kofola’s communication style traditionally associated with the topic of love was very effective, and the promotion of its new campaign boosted this attribute even more.